Ford Sync3 2.2 Update

Ford Sync3 2.2 UpdateFord sync 3 downloadFord sync 3 2.2 update download


New Member

I followed the 'Unofficial Update SYNC3' ( it won't let me insert link) from forum. Here is what I tried so far: 1) Used the link with the two-step method (Non-Nav unit) 2) Tried 4 different flash drives 8 GB. 3) Formatted with both exfat and FAT32, same result. 4) Did multiple 'Master Reset' on SYNC3. 2.2.0 aarau binary blinker blinkintervall chip-tuning convers database digitaltacho download ecoboost factory farbschemas farbthemen file ford format fritzlar fusion hamburg higher hp kassel leistungssteigerung melsungen mod next parkanzeige power powermod schnell schweiz seelow tdci tool upgrade usa vbf vbftool.exe volvo wesel wien zu.

Ford sync 2.2 update

Ford Sync 2.2 Update

Jun 9, 2020
Reaction score
San Diego, California
First Name
2017 Ford Mustang Premium Convertible, 2019 Jeep Wrangler Sport S

Ford Sync 3 2.2 Update Non Nav

New to the forum, first post! I just traded in my Civic Si coupe for a 2017 Premium Ecoboost Mustang convertible and I'm loving it. Question..
I want to give my Sync system an update, since it's an older model.
It says it's currently running Sync 3 version 2.2. Is 2.2 the latest/final version for the 2017 model year?
It won't download anything new over Wi-Fi, and the file from Ford looks like It's Sync 3.0.. an older version than what I already have. A little confused here.

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